ATCM 1998 |
Proceedings of the 3rd
Technology Conference
in Mathematics |
Contributed Papers
Technology in Mathematics Education
- About the Polynomials in Two Variables:
Demonstrating the Characteristics of Polynomials by Using a Model,
Masahiro TAKIZAWA, Otawara High School, Japan
- Allowing the Uses of the Computer
in a Mathematical Competition, Jen-chung CHUAN, National
Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
- An Innovative Modeling Course
at the Freshman/Sophomore Level, Silvia HEUBACH, California
State University Los Angeles, USA
- An Undergraduate Technology-based
Applied Mathematics Program at Universiti Sains Malaysia, Rosihan
M. Ali & Ahmad Izani Md. Ismail,
Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
- Developing the
Curriculum for Curves Using History and Technology,
Masami ISODA, University of Tsukuba, Japan
- Grasp Meanings with
Interactive Java Animation on WWW, Shigeru TSUYUKI,
International Education Software, Japan
- How Should the Coming Mathematics
Education Get Connected with the Computers? - Starting by Solving Problems
within Our Daily Life -, Tomoko YANAGIMOTO,
Osaka Kyoiku University, Japan
- Impacts of Using Calculators
in Learning Mathematics, Tingyao ZHENG,
State University of New York College at Fredonia, USA
- Inferential Statistics and the
Graphics Calculator, Barry KISSANE,
Murdoch University, Australia
- Internet Course Material
Supporting Mathematics Programmes Offered at RMIT,
- Introductory Programming
and Word Problems, Jozef HVORECKY, University of
Papua New Guinea, Papua New Guinea
- Overview and Comment on the
Use of Modern Technology in Shanghai School Mathematics,
Xu-hui LI, East China Normal University, China
- Semantic Nets for
Solving Word Problems, Pearla NESHER, The University
of Haifa, Israel
- Teaching Approaches Using
Graphing Calculator in the Classroom for the Hearing-Impaired Student
, Akira MORIMOTO, Tsukuba
College of Technology for the Deaf & Yoshinori NAKAMURA,
Miyagi School for the Deaf, Japan
- Teaching Mathematics with
Technology, Shin WATANABE, Tokai University, Japan
Technology, Projects, and Elementary Statistics,
T.W. JUDSON, University of Portland, USA
- Uses of
Java Applets in Mathematics Education,
Christopher P. MAWATA,
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, USA
Application of Mathematical Software in the Classroom and via the World Wide Web
- A Front-end Tool for Mathematical
Computation and Education in a Network Environment, T. SAKURAI,
University of Tsukuba, Y. ZHAO, Nagasaki
Institute of Applied Science, H. SUGIURA, Nagoya University &
T. TORII, Nanzan University, Japan
- An Open Learning Mathematics
Foundation Course with MATCAD, Andrew TOON,
Open University Degree Programme, Singapore
- Building Dynamic Mathematical
Models with Geometry Expert - I. Geometric Transformations, Functions
and Plane Curves, Xiao-Shan GAO & Changcai ZHU,
Academia Sinica, Beijing, China, Yong HUANG, Academia Sinica,
ChengDu, China
- Development of a
BASIC Language Processing System in Accordance with ISO and its Aim,
Kazuo SHIRAISHI, Bunkyo University, Japan
- GAP in Algebra Class,
Hideki SAWADA, Yamagata University, Japan
High Order Programming Using Mathematica in Teaching Programming,
Hiroshi OHTSUKA, Kyushu University, Japan
- Improving Junior-High Geometry by
Using Construction Software, Iwao IGUCHI & Katsuaki SUZUKI,
Tohoku Gakuin University, Japan
- Mathematical Notations in Web Pages,
Chor Pee LIM, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore
On-Line Recognition of Handwriting Mathematical Expression via Network,
Y. SAKAMOTO, Kyushu University, M. XIE, R. FUKUDA,
Oita University & M. SUZUKI, Kyushu University, Japan
- Optical Recognition of Printed
Mathematical Documents, K. INOUE, R. MIYAZAKI & M. SUZUKI,
Kyushu University, Japan
- Recursive Computations in
Spreadsheets, Jozef HVORECKY, University of
Papua New Guinea, Papua New Guinea, & Ivan TRENCANSKY,
University of Economics Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Use of Maple in Determining Radial Eigenfunctions for the
Bound-State Aharonov-Bohm Effect, W.P. HEALY & H. HUNG,
RMIT University, Australia
Technology in Mathematical Research
- A New Algorithm Producting Generalized
Sturm Sequence for Polynomials with Symbolic Coefficients,
Hongguang FU, Lu YANG & Zhenbing ZENG, The Chinese
Academy of Sciences, Chengdu, China
- A Note on Nearest Singular
Polynomials, Lihong ZHI, Academia Sinica,
Beijing, & Wenda WU, Beijing Municipal Computing Center, China
- Algorithms of Generalized
Inverses and Their Stabilization, Hiroyuki MINAKUCHI, Hiroshi KAI &
Matu-Tarow NODA, Ehime University, Japan
- Approximate Singular-value Decomposition
of a Matrix with Polynomial Entries, T. KITAMOTO, University of
Tsukuba, Japan
Calculation System for the Dual Graph of Resolution of
the Algebraic Curve Singularities using Risa/Asir,
M. FUJIMOTO, Fukuoka University of Education & M. SUZUKI,
Kyushu University, Japan
- Computer Verification of
the Diameter of the N-Dimensional Pancake Network,
Marissa P. JUSTAN, Trinity College of Quezon City,
- Development of a Genetic
Algorithm Model: GAP, Nelson Wai CHAN, Hong Kong Polytechnic
University, China
- Eight Lines Arrangements on the Real
Projective Plane and the Root System of
Type E8, Tetsuo FUKUI & Jiro SEKIGUCHI,
Mukogawa Women's University, Japan
- Normal Lines Drawn to a
Parabola and Geometric Constructions, Tilak de ALWIS,
Southeastern Louisiana University, USA
- On the Leverrier-Faddeev Algorithm,
Shui-hung HOU, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China
- Polynomial
Algorithms for Optimization Problems,
Kei-ichi SHIRAISHI, Hiroshi KAI, Ehime University,
Tomokatsu SAITO, Sophia University & Matu-Tarow NODA,
Ehime University, Japan