
         ATCM 1998   Electronic Proceedings of the 3rd
         Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics
The Proceedings of ATCM98 is different because of the following reasons:
  • All articles are refereed.
  • An electronic version that also includes all abstracts presented at the conference will soon be available at http://www.cs.runet.edu/~atcm/EPATCM98.
  • It is a collection of many wonderful works not only in teaching but also in research using technology.
I am very thankful that I have the unrelenting support of an outstanding editorial group that has helped out tremendously in making this Proceedings possible. Special thanks go to Dr. Kiyoshi Shirayanagi, without his dedicated efforts to coordinate the reviewing process of which, this (hard copy) proceedings would not be ready in time for the conference.
I would also like to thank our sponsors: CASIO, HP, TI, Waterloo Maple Inc., and Wolfram Research Inc. Without their continuous support, the ATCM would not become almost an annual event.
Last but not least are the contributors to this Proceedings, so please send in your papers in time to ATCM99-China, and hope to see you in ATCM99.
Wei-Chi YANG
Chair, International Program Committee
We received 51 submissions of contributed papers, and 40 papers were accepted for inclusion in the electronic proceedings and this proceedings. All papers were peer-reviewed, and when there were two extreme opinions, a third reviewer was sought. In particular, a negative opinion was strictly investigated by the Program Committee. Some of the rejected papers were of high caliber, but unfortunately were thought of as being unsuitable for the theme of the conference.
While the conference ATCM is an Asian conference where many speakers and participants are supposed to have their native languages other than English, we required that the English expressions of every paper be as complete as possible. This is important in order that people all over the world can read the proceedings comfortably as well as grasp its meanings correctly.
Due to the page limitation, full papers for tutorials are not included in this proceedings.
I am happy to deliver this proceedings and hope that it will help researchers and teachers to do further study on technology in mathematics.
Last but not least, I am grateful to Dr. Sung-Chi Chu, Dr. Gary Fitz-Gerald, and Ms. May Look of Springer-Verlag, Singapore for their many efforts to bringing this proceedings to publication. My thanks also go to all the reviewers for their very thorough reviews.

Kiyoshi Shirayanagi
Vice Chair, International Program Committee
NTT Communication Science Laboratories
2-4 Hikaridai, Seika-cho
Soraku-gun, Kyoto 619-0237 Japan

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