ATCM 1998 |
Proceedings of the 3rd
Technology Conference
in Mathematics |
August 25, 1998 (Tuesday)
- 11:00-12:00: Paper Presentations
- Development of a Genetic Algorithm Model: GAP , Chan Wai, Nelson, Hong Kong
- GAP in Algebra Class , Hideki Sawada, Japan.
- Building Dynamic Mathematical Models with Geometry Expert I. Models for Functions and Plane Curves , X. S. Gao & Y. Huang, P.R. China
- Developing the Curriculum for Curves Using History and Technology, Masami ISODA Japan
- Recursive Computations in Spreadsheets, Jozef Hvoreck, Papua New Guinea, & Ivan Trencansk, Slovakia.
- Introductory Programming and Word Problems, Jozef Hvoreck, Papua New Guinea.
- Danish students and the TI-92 Graphic Calculator, Sten Asgaard Andersen, Denmark.
- Be more aware of the overall impact of using calculators in learning mathematics , Tingyao Zheng, USA.
- 14:00-15:30: Paper Presentations
- Building Bridges with Scientific Notebook: Enhancing the Teaching of Engineering Mathematics , Malcolm Anderson, Lyn Bloom, Ute Mueller, Pender Pedler, Australia.
- Harmonizing a computer algebra system with a regular mathematics course , Martyn Quigley, BRUNEI DARUSSALAM
- Learning Statistics with Spreadsheet, Jiro SUZUKI, Japan.
- Technology, Projects, and Elementary Statistics , T.W. Judson, USA.
- An Open Learning Mathematics Foundation Course Using MATHCAD , Andrew Toon, Singapore.
- Higher order programming using Mathematica in teaching programming , Hiroshi Ohtsuka, Japan.
- An Undergraduate Student Project on study of differential Equations from dynamical system point of view using MATHEMATICA, D.C. Sengupta & C. Ellis, USA.
- What Does the Coming Mathematics Education Seek out of the Use of the Computer , Tomoko Yanagimoto, Japan.
- A study of problem posing under the technology environment: Analysis of problem solving process using "Cabri-Geometry" , Tadayuki KISHIMOTO, Japan.
- Students' Ideas of Covariation in Realistic Problem Situations in an Introductory Algebra Program in Taiwan , Chih-Cheng Hung, Taiwan.
- An Innovative Modeling Approach at the Freshman/Sophomore Level , Silvia Heubach, USA
August 26, 1998 (Wednesday)
- 10:10-12:10: Paper Presentations
- Grasp Meanings with Interactive Java Animation on WWW Shigeru Tsuyuki, Japan.
- Uses of Java Applets in Mathematics Education, C. P. Mawata, USA
- Algorithms of Generalized Inverse and their Stabilization , Hiroyuki Minakuchi,Hiroshi Kai and Matu-Tarow Noda, Japan.
- Polynomial Algorithms for Optimization Problems , Kei-ichi Shiraishi, Hiroshi Kai, Tomokatsu Saito and Matu-Tarow Noda , Japan.
- Teaching Complex Variables Using MATHEMATICA , Dipendra C.Sengupta & Jharna D. Sengupta, USA.
- Design and development of a Web-based CAI program using Mathematica , Youngcook Y. Jun, KOREA.
- Internet course material supporting mathematics programmes offered at RMIT , G.F. Fitz-Gerald, W.P. Healy & M. Lukic, Australia.
- Use of Maple in Determining Radial Eigenfunctions for the Bound-State Aharonov-Bohm Effect , W. P. Healy and H. Hung, AUSTRALIA.
- 14:00-15:30: Paper Presentations
- Approximate Singularvalue Decomposition of a Matrix with Polynomial Entries , T. Kitamoto, JAPAN.
- On The Leverrier-Faddeev Algorithm , Shui-Hung Hou, HONG KONG.
- An Introduction Course in Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems , Kazuhisa TAKAGI & Kyouhei MURAYAMA, Japan.
- The effect on the motivation by Math-Lab Curriculum using Geometry Tool ( For the 9th graders geometry), Iwao IGUCHI, Japan.
- The Raffles Girls' School's Mathematical Innovative Technology Strategies , Guat Kheng, Singapore.
- The Impact of Technology on School Mathematics in Shanghai Area , Xuhui LI, China.
- A Front-end Tool for Mathematical Computation and Education in a Network Environment , Sakurai, Zhao, Sugiura, & Torii, Japan.
- Optical Recognition of Printed Mathematical Documents , R. Miyazaki, K. Inoue, M. Suzuki, Japan.
- On-line recognition of handwritten mathematical formulas via network , Y. Sakamoto, M. Sha, R. Fukuda, M. Suzuki, Japan
- Teaching Approaches using Graphing Calculator in the Classroom for Hearing-Impaired Student , Akira MORIMOTO & Yoshinori NAKAMURA, Japan.
- New Approaches Using Technology for Solving Problems in Secondary Mathematics , Arne Engebretsen, USA.
- Teaching the Concept of Approximation Based on Computer Activities in Upper Secondary School , Shin, Seung Ho, South Korea.
August 27, 1998 (Thursday)
- 10:10-12:10: Paper Presentations
- Calculation system for the dual graph of resolution of the algebraic curve singularities using Risa/Asir , Mitsushi Fujimoto, & Masakazu Suzuki, Japan.
- Eight Lines Arrangements on the Real Projective Plane and the Root System of Type E8, Jiro Sekiguchi & Tetsuo Fukui, Japan.
- About the Polynomials in Two Variables Demonstrating the Characteristics of Polynomials by Using a Model , Masahiro Takizawa, Japan
- A Note on Nearest Singular Polynomials, Lihong ZHI, Japan, & Wenda WU, China.
- The effect on the motivation by Math-Lab Curriculum using Geometry Tool ( For the 9th graders geometry), Iwao IGUCHI, Japan .
- Testing Students with Hand-held Technology , Edward D. Laughbaum, USA.
- Allowing the Uses of the Computer in a Mathematical Competition , Jen-chung Chuan, Taiwan.
- Semantic Nets for Solving Word Problems , Pearla Nesher.
- Graphing Calculators and Parametric Equations, Brenda Lee, Taiwan
- Preparation of a BASIC Language System Which Acords with ISO Full BASIC and Its Aim , Kazuo Shiraishi, Japan.
- Teaching Math with Technology , Shin WATANABE, Japan.
- Mathematics Notations in Web Pages , Chor Pee LIM, Singapore
- Design of a WEB Based MATLAB Teaching Course -- Issues Involved and Lessons Learned , Dapeng Tien and Elsen Ong, Singapore.
- Solving the Theoretical problem in Linear Algebra with Matlab/Maple , Harini Mahmudi.
- A Multimedia Environment for Teaching Mathematical Modeling and Observing the Stages of Learning , Chang Kok Hau & P.M.Nobar, Singapore.
- Linear Algebra made easier: the HP 48G in Linear Algebra Units, Ute Mueller, Pender Pedler, Malcolm Anderson, & Lyn Bloom, Australia
- Afternoon Presentation:
- Solving Generalized Sturm Sequence by Subresultant Chain for Polynomials with Symbolic Cofficients , Hongguang Fu, Lu Yang & Zhenbing Zeng, China.
- An Implementation of Polynomial System Solving Algorithm , Dingkang WANG & Hidetsune Kobayashi, Japan.
- An Undergraduate Technology-based Applied Mathematics Program: THE B. APPL. SC. Program in Mathematics at UNIVERSITI SAINS MALAYSIA , Rosihan M. Ali & A. IZANI B.MD. ISMAIL, Malaysia
- Computer Verification of the Results on the Diameter of the N-Dimensional Pancake Networks , Marissa P. Justan, Philippines
- Development of the Electronic Textbook by the Hypertext for Promoting Student's Autonomous Learning , Shoichiro Machida, Japan
- Fundamental Theorem of Calculus , Nobuhiro Takahashi, Japan.
- Inferential statistics and the graphics calculator , Barry Kissane, Australia.
- Mathematical Visualization with Maple , Jen-chung Chuan, Taiwan
- Normal Lines Drawn to a Parabola and Geometric Constructions , Tilak de Alwis, USA.
- The Geometric Index of the Wheel, Wn , Rowena T. Baylon, Philippines
- The Reversed Times Tables , Tower CHEN, USA.
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Copied from University of Tsukuba & Modified by S. Chu, Radford University.