Developing the Curriculum for Curves Using History and Technology
Masami ISODA
Institute of Education
University of Tsukuba
Tsukuba-shi, 305-8572, Japan
For trying to integrate curriculum among geometry, algebra and calculus via technology, the historical roles of technology in mathematics was focused. History shows us the importance of technology for the recursive processes of conceptual changes. David Dennis and Jere Confrey have demonstrated the missing loop for integration by comparing mathematics curriculum with history. The Japanese integrated curriculum lost in World War II tried to use tools but unfortunately it shows the importance of tools because there were no appropriate tools at that time. In this paper, to connect the loop, I show that Dynamic Geometry Software enhances and realizes Descartes dream. I also demonstrate how historical tools and new technology emerge mathematical concepts hidden in tools. Through the discussion, I proposed the new trend of curriculum reform using Dynamic Geometry Software and LEGO for integrating geometry, algebra and calculus via technology.
© Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics, 1998. |

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