The Raffles Girls' School's Mathematical Innovative Technology Strategies
Guat Kheng
Raffles Girls' School
In this presentation, a group of Mathematics teachers from Raffles Girls' School(Secondary) in Singapore would like to share their experience in infusing thinking skills in IT based lessons. They will use courseware and website developed locally as well as website from WWW and shareware. The following topics targeted at Grade 7 - 10 would be shared :
Trigonometrical ratios of any angles In the extension of finding trigonometrical ratios other than the acute angles, it is difficult for pupils to visualise through the use of static diagrams that the ratios of all possible angles can be related by symmetry to that of the acute angle. We would like to share an interactive website called Trigjava that can be used to illustrate the above concept in a dynamic way. Also, pupils will be able to see the relation between trigonometrical ratios of any angles and the corresponding positions in the graph.
Plotting of graphs using Graphmatica We would like to share how useful and convenient the shareware,Graphmatica, is in the teaching of graph sketching or plotting of functions (eg trigonometrical functions, logarithmic functions etc.).It is an extremely simple tool for our pupils to investigate graphs of functions that were before difficult or tedious to plot on graph paper. On their own, pupils can also use it to explore various graph sketching techniques.
Lower Secondary Algebra (Grade 8) Algebra
Algebra has always been a problem for our lower secondary pupils, as they are not used to the concept of variables. To enable a smooth transition from arithmetic topics to algebraic topics, a locally produced CD entitled "Undersea World of Algebra" will be used. We will like to share how this is done in the classroom situation where the following will be incorporated : lecture style, activity based learning and game sessions. It is our aim that our pupils can learn algebra in a fun way.
Another locally produced CD " Space trek through Symmetry" is able to provide powerful and useful visual aids. Pupils are able to see clearly the symmetrical properties from 2D to 3D objects, for example, plane symmetry and rotational symmetry of a cube. The software also allow pupils to visualise and eventually able to represent a 3D drawing on a 2D plane (e.g. on paper, screen). We hope that at the end of the lessons, the ability of visualisation of the pupils will be greatly enhanced.
Solving Quadratic Equations
The CD on "Jungle Survival with Quadratic Equations" was used to enhance the teaching and learning of Mathematics in an interactive learning environment together with textbook and worksheets. The CD includes tutorials and activities ranging from basic ideas to more challenging concepts.
Mathematics Wizard: Visual Thinking and Creation
This website encourages students to solve problems in groups before checking their answers. The solutions provided are guided by animations. Students are encouraged to submit other possible solutions to the web master. Students can design their questions and contribute to the site which will then be published on the web.
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