Tools for Communicating Mathematics - MuPAD Tutorial for Mathematics
Miroslaw Majewski
College of Information Systems
Zayed University
United Arab Emirates
is an open computer algebra system developed at the Paderborn University
by the group of students and staff of the Department of Mathematics.
As a tool created by mathematicians MuPAD has a number of features
that make it especially valuable for teaching mathematics.
this tutorial we will briefly explore some basic features of MuPAD
and in details its graphics. We will show how one can create different
types of plots using Cartesian, polar, spherical and cylindrical
coordinates. We will explore some properties of turtle graphics.
We will investigate a number of examples of Lindenmayer systems
and examine their usefulness in teaching mathematics. Finally, we
will learn how one can create his own mathematical video and interactive
JavaView model for online display.