
Authoring Dynamic and Interactive Mathematics Modules With MathWright

Ravinder Kumar
Mathematical Sciences
Alcorn State University
United States


MathWright is a very powerful authoring software, blending interaction and multimedia tools, geared towards the requirements of mathematics instructors. The materials prepared with the software can be effectively used by instructors in their classroom and by students for visualization, exploration, and writing of report on the mathematics content developed in the module (called microworld). The official mathwright website, www.mathwright.com, hosts an online library of about 700 mathwright books. Some of these materials, that were developed under NSF project WELCOME, can also be found in the digital library of Mathematics Aassociation of America. This session is proposed to be a hands-on session. After brief demonstration of some of the capabilities of mathwright with the help of a microworld, the participants will be guided to develop a short (two-page) microworld. They will also learn how to develop help-pages for the microworld using HTML Help Workshop software, and pack them with the micorworld. The necessary software (evaluation version) will be provided by the presenter.

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