
The Design and Use of eActivities for Learning Mathematics

Barry Kissane
Murdoch University


The recent development by Casio of the hand-held ClassPad 300 device raises a number of important questions for the design of mathematical learning experiences for students. This paper provides a brief description of the ClassPad 300 and its mathematical capabilities, followed by a description of the idea of an eActivity, well provided for in the operating system of the device. As their name suggests, eActivities are electronic learning activities, designed to be used by a student with a personal hand-held ClassPad 300. Designing suitable eActivities requires decisions to be made about the suitability of various pedagogical approaches that might be accomodated. These approaches include exposition or authoritative presentation, controlled practice of skills, open exploration and discovery. The ClassPad 300 offers ways of connecting mathematical ideas together within an eActivity that can be taken advantage of with these various approaches, and the paper will include suitable examples. Practical issues associated with student use will also be explored and illustrated through examples. The paper concludes with an assessment of the prospects of the idea of an eActivity for student learning of mathematics.

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