
Applicable Mathematics Examination Questions

Ute Mueller
Eng and Maths

Patricia Forster
Institute of the Service Professions
Edith Cowan University


Graphics calculators were first allowed in Western Australian Tertiary Entrance Examinations for mathematics and science subjects in 1998. In this paper, we report part of an inquiry into the impact of the introduction of the technology on examination questions in Applicable Mathematics. We consider examination papers since 1992, when the current syllabus was first put in place. We provide an overview of the changes in questions overall, and focus on linear programming, systems of linear equations, and functional equations and inequalities. We detail changes in the formulation, graphing and calculation requirements in questions on linear programming, and in the methods for solving systems of linear equations. In addition, we report on the shift in focus from finding and refining roots of nonlinear equations to solving nonlinear inequalities and discuss its effect.

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