Building Mathematical
Objects: Cognition and Technology
Terry Price
Mathematics & Statistics
Winona State University
The use of technology in the teaching and learning of mathematics
is influenced by the instructor? competency with respect to the
technology within a domain specific area. Furthermore the instructor?
beliefs about the role of technology in mathematics will influence
the type of tasks generated for the students. Moreover these tasks
have the potential to influence how students perceive the role of
technology in a mathematical context which may alter the students?beliefs
about mathematics and/or the role of technology in mathematics.
The data for this project was gathered over a 2.5 year time period
through action research in mathematics methods courses for the preparation
of secondary mathematics teachers and elementary teachers with middle
school mathematics specialty. The use of technology to produce concept
maps is not a new idea, but how one can use mapping projects to
?rain?the mind to make connections between and among content/concepts
is a fascinating area for mathematics education research. This project
examined the notion that as students became more comfortable with
the technology as well as the mapping process they began to ?bjectize?large
amounts of information and manipulate that information in meaningful
ways. The instructional method of producing the concept maps was
both individual and group format. The software used included packages
specific to the generation of concept maps (Inspiration) as well
as non-specific software (Paint, Geometer? Sketchpad).