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Call for Submissions-Proceedings is SCOPUS indexed

We invite you to submit original and unpublished work to the conference for review. Each submission will be reviewed and the author(s) will be notified of recommendation by the International Program Committee. Only scholarly work that has not been published elsewhere should be submitted for consideration. Accepted abstracts and refereed Full Papers will be published at the Electronic Proceedings with ISSN 1940-4204 (Online).

Selected referred papers will be invited for consideration of publication at the Electronic Journal of Mathematics and Technology   ejMT logo

Important Notes:

  • If you plan to present your talk (with no full paper) or poster session, please submit your abstract by July 31, 2024 (extended) , here for reviewing for reviewing. We will publish only up to 500 words in the Proceedings.
  • If you plan to present your talk and consider publishing your full paper at the ATCM 2024 Scopus-indexed Proceedings, please submit your FULL Paper by July 31 of 2024 here for reviewing.
  • If you agree to present at ATCM 2024, you agree to pay regular registration fees that is mentioned at this Registration page
  • If you want to submit more than one submission, you can log in to the reviewing system (after entering your username and password) again and select 'Upload Submission'.
  • The accepted Abstracts and Full Papers will appear in the Electronic Proceedings after the conference.
  • We are interested in recruiting more external reviewers. If you are interested, you may send an e-mail, explaining your expertise with math and technology, and a CV, to the Co-chair of IPC, Dr. Weng Kin HO at .

Please prepare an abstract, a full paper, a proposal for a hands-on workshop, or an invited speech, and upload at the online reviewing system here .

Last Date for Submission of Abstracts July 31, 2024 (Extended)
All abstract submissions are only accepted via the Web. Each successful submission will be assigned a reference number. This number will be used in all future correspondence with the editors.
Last Date for Submission of Full Paper 31 July 2024
Notification of Full Paper Acceptance 15 September 2024 or earlier. All submitted full papers are blind-reviewed by peers.
The full paper will be BLIND reviewed by peers and IPC. Their recommendations will be further reviewed by the editorial board for consideration to appear in the Proceedings of the conference. Submission of a full paper for REVIEW should only be in PDF and also must be submitted via the Web (If you need help converting a Microsoft Word document to PDF, please email to IPC co-chair, Dr. Weng-Kin HO:

Here are some important notes when submitting full papers for review to ATCM 2024

1. Full papers are blind-reviewed. Each full paper must have, in addition to the paper content, an abstract, and no author information (just a title). It must be submitted online via the Web no later than July 31, 2024.

2. Each full paper will be reviewed and recommendation will be sent to the author(s) before or no later than September 15, 2024.

3. Each full paper must not be longer than 10 single-spaced pages of A4 size, inclusive of figures, tables, and references. The page limit for invited speeches is 15.

Accepted abstract or full paper, with paid registration fee, will guarantee a presentation slot at the conference program. For full papers, author(s) must attend and present their works at the conference to guarantee the full paper to appear in the conference Proceedings.

Publication Guidelines

For accepted full papers (that have not been published elsewhere, or available in a website), publication in the Proceedings will follow if and only if the paper is presented at the conference, and the following guidelines must be followed. Manuscripts that fail to adhere to the following format will not be published.
  • If and when the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors agree that the article will not be published elsewhere. At least one author must download, complete, and submit a copyright agreement .
  • The copyright agreement is preferably to be sent electronically to Prof. Wei-Chi Yang at "". Or you may mail the copyright agreement to PO Box 3684, Radford, VA 24143-3684, USA.
  • On-time (and revised version according to reviewer's comments) of the Electronic Manuscript and paid registration will ensure the inclusion of the manuscript in the Electronic Proceedings (EP). The EP will be available on the web after the conference.
  • No page number should be printed. Default font used must be Times New Roman.
  • Paper needs to follow the publication guidelines strictly and be proof-read by a native English speaker before submitting for review. Reviewers can reject your paper if paper is full of typos and grammatical errors.
  • Paper title: 20 pt Times New Roman, bold, centered
  • Author's name: 14 pt Times New Roman Italics, centered
  • Author's affiliations: in 12 pt Times New Roman, centered
  • Author's email address, in 12 pt Times New Roman, centered, must be included right below the author's name.
  • No keywords.
  • Abstract: each manuscript must have an abstract up to 250 words, in 10 pt Times New Roman in italic, justified single-line spacing. The abstract should contain no bibliographic citations unless these are fully specified, as abstracts are available separately from papers.
  • Section headings: 14 pt Times New Roman Bold, left-justified
  • Subsection headings: 12 pt Times New Roman Bold, left-justified
  • Body text: 12 pt Times Roman, justified single-line spacing
  • Margins must be set based on A4 paper size (210 x 297 mm or 8.27" x 11.69").
  • Left and right margins must be set at 2 cm or 0.8";
  • Top and bottom margins must be set at 3.2 cm or 1.26";
  • Any text or figure that appears outside of this margin is not printable, thus the manuscript cannot be included for printing.
  • Tables and Figures must be properly captioned and numbered. These should be placed as close as practicable to the first reference in the text. About 10mm should be left clear above and below each figure and table. For Figures, the caption should appear at the foot of the figure. For Tables, the caption should appear immediately above the table. Place all the figures and tables in the center of the page.
  • Figure source files should be in Portable Document Format (PDF) or in a form that can be converted to PDF.
  • Paper length is limited to a maximum of 10 pages. Paper length for plenary and invited speakers is 15 pages.
  • References should include full information: author or institution, full title, publisher, city and year (for books, manuals, etc.); or full journal name, volume, year, and page range (for papers). AMS style is preferred. Be sure to include references to software documentation.
  • Reference tags in the text should be in brackets (as, [2]).
  • Acknowledgements, if any, should be added just before the references.
  • Paper length is limited to a maximum of 10 pages. A fee will be charged for any paper that exceeds the paper length limit.
  • Please use our sample Word 2003 document to compose your submission.
  • Please use our LaTeX template to compose your submission

Poster Sessions

Conference participants are invited to submit proposals of posters for display in the poster exhibition area. We encourage this form of participation as a means of presenting projects that use technology in both mathematical research and mathematics education.

Poster presenters should consider using both textual and visual means of presentation in their posters. Detailed instructions can be found here. Proposals from students are welcome too. Presentation of posters will be scheduled in parallel along with other paper presentations.
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