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ATCM 2012 in Thailand


Invited Papers

  1. Miroslaw Majewski, Geometric Ornaments in Istanbul
  2. Ma.Louise Antonette De Las Penas, Angela Fatima Guzon, Tilings, Patterns and Technology
  3. Jen-Chung Chuan, How to Double the Rate of Discovery with Cabri 3D?
  4. Antonio R. Quesada, New Content, Methods, and Approaches Promoted by the Integration of Technology in Secondary Mathematics
  5. Colette Laborde, Jean-Marie Laborde, Interactivity in dynamic mathematics environments: what does that mean
  6. Nicholas Jackiw, Imagery and The Geometric Imagination
  7. Wei-Chi Yang, Technology Has Shaped Up Mathematics Communities
  8. Krongthong Khairiree, Constructivist in Mathematics in Virtual Class with Moodle and The Geometer's Sketchpad
  9. Beverly Ferrucci, Ngan Hoe Lee, Cases In Techology-Enriched School Mathematics
  10. Pavel Pech, Deriving Geometry Theorems by Automated Tools
  11. Lenni Haapasalo, Bernd Zimmermann, Redefining school as pit stop: It is the free time that counts
  (c) Mirek Majewski