Tentative Program for the 28th
Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics
(ATCM 2023), December 10-13, 2023 (in
hybrid format)
Please note the program is listed in Bangkok Time.
For example, if it is 8 a.m. in Thailand on December 10,
it will be 8 p.m. EST (New York time) on December 9.
Please use this URL to convert your local time to
Bangkok Time: http://timebie.com/tz/timezonesearch.php
The password
for all the Zoom IDs is
December 9, 2023 (Saturday)
17:00-18:00 Club House
Club House
Welcome Reception
December 10, 2023 (Sunday)
8:00-8:50 Registration:
Nantha Hall
Speeches by ATCM founder, Chair
of LOC, IPST, IAFSW, etc.
10:00-10:20 Tea
Break: Siam Terrace Room
10:30-11:20 Nantha Hall
Invited Speech: Room 1, (Zoom ID:
286 824 5247) (Chair: Nathalie Sinclair) 30104 Making Geometry Dynamic: Design
Considerations in Mathematical Interactivity
Nicholas Jackiw, video.
11:30-12:20 Nantha Hall-1
(Virtual) Invited Speech: Room 1,
(Zoom ID: 286 824 5247) (Chair: Wei-Chi
Yang) 22104
Interactive visualization of curvature flows- Sage Binder and Matthias
Kawski, video.
11:30-12:20 Nantha Hall-2
Invited Speech: (Room 2), (Zoom ID: 8709794059) (Chair: Neil
Sigmon) 22052 Construction of six heptahedra each
line-symmetric to its dual Jen-chung Chuan, video.
12:30-13:20 Lunch Break
13:30-14:20 Nantha Hall-1
(Virtual) Invited Speech: Room 1, (Zoom ID: 286 824 5247) (Chair: Vanda
SANTOS) How GPU may increase productivity-personal encounters with M1
and M2 chips. Examples of Memorable Photos in Thailand will be used for
demonstration such as ATCM 2000, ATCM 2008, ATCM 2012, ATCM 2016,
Jeng-chung Chuan, video.
13:30-14:20 Nantha Hall-2
(Virtual) Invited Speech: Room 2,
(Zoom ID: 8709794059) (Chair: Rick
Klima) 22079 A Particle Swarm Optimization Approach to
the Generalized Fermat Point Problem: Rethinking how a problem is
solved-Weng Kin Ho - Chu Wei Lim, video.
Hands-on Workshops
Computer Room 1: (Zoom ID: 352 763 2910) 22030 (Part 1) Using GeoGebra to Visualize 3-Dimensional and
2-Dimensional Figures (focus on the basic use of geometry tools in
GGB)-Pathamaporn Awachai - Sasiwan Maluangnont - Sutharot Nilrod -
et al, video.
Computer Room 2: (Zoom ID: 537 016 0104) 22033 The Usability of GSP 5.06 in Designing and
Creating Mathematics Instructional Materials, Siriwan Jantrkool, IPST,
Parallel Session. Presentations
(Each contributed paper presentation slot is 25 minutes unless
otherwise specified. Please allow 3 minutes for Q&A, and 2 minutes
for changeover)
Nantha Hall-1
Room 1: (Zoom ID: 286 824 5247) Chair: Ajit Kumar
THE THREE WORLDS OF MATHEMATICS-Desyarti Safarini TLS - Dadang Juandi -
Darhim Darhim, Indonesia, video.
(Virtual) 22019 Applications of Lua for LaTeX Documents Chetan Shirore - Ajit Kumar India, video.
Hands-on Workshops
Computer Room 1: (Zoom ID: 352 763 2910) 22036
Using Mathigon Application to Transform Mathematics
Classrooms-Ronnachai Panapoi - Phattharawadee Hadkaew - Jannapa Uttama
- et al., video.
Computer Room 2: (Zoom ID: 537 016 0104) 22045
Enhancing Computational Thinking in Primary Education through Unplugged
Learning Activities
et al.
Nantha Hall-2
Regular Room 2: (Zoom ID: 336 025 2699) 22038 Using
board games to organize learning about intellectual property Sayamchai Suksai - Dr.
Nusavadee Pojananukij
Tea Break and Poster Sessions Siam Terrace Room
22108 Practice
and Assessment of Creating Mathematics Questions through Interaction
with a Computer-Shigeki KITAJIMA, Meisei University, Japan
Battleship via Conic Section in GeoGebra
Pinyada Damdoung - Sasiwan Maluangnont
Enhancing Students' Mathematical Attitude by Using Cartoon Animation
about Mathematician's Historical Stories
Woranart Yoosook - Jinnadit Laorpaksin - Ratinan Boonklurb
The Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and
Technology (IPST); Ministry of Education; Thailand; Faculty of
Education; Chulalongkorn University; Thailand; Faculty of Science;
Chulalongkorn University; Thailand
22039 Using
Augmented Reality to Enhance Mathematical Learning
Ronnachai Panapoi - Jannapa Uttama
The Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and
Technology (IPST); Ministry of Education; Thailand
The Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and
Technology (IPST); Ministry of Education; Thailand
22040 Using
GeoGebra to Study the Relation between Degree and Radian
SUTHAROT NILROD - Pinyada Damdoung
Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and
Technology (IPST); Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and
Technology (IPST), Thailand
learning-based three-dimensional computational image reconstruction
Daewoon Seong, Youngae Gu, Joome Park, Changho Lee, Jaesok Yu,
Jeehyun Kim
National University,
National University
School & Hwasun Hospital
22068 Prediction of
Saving Money in GeoGebra
Maluangnont - Sutharot Nilrod
Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology
(IPST); Ministry of Education; Thailand
22109 Practical Research
on Performance in STEM Education: Focusing on Awareness of Auxiliary
Lines for Geometric Problems Using an Eye-Tracker-Yutaka OHARA,
Gakushuin University; Japan
Parallel Session. Presentations (Each
contributed paper presentation slot is 25 minutes unless otherwise
specified. Please allow 3 minutes for Q&A, and 2 minutes for
16:00-16:25 Nantha Hall 1
Room 1: (Zoom ID: 286 824 5247) (Chair: WU
(Virtual) 22091 Virtual realities to study geometrical
aspects of architectural heritage-Jose L. Rodriguez, Alvaro
Martinez-Sevilla, Sergio Alonso-Spain, video.
32001 Reform and Exploration of Mathematics
Teaching Methods Based on the Concept of Core Literacy and Creative
Adoption of Interactive Web-based Platform-WU Guannan Tongxiang Puyuan
Tongxing School, China
16:00-16:25 Nantha Hall 2
Room 2: (Zoom ID: 336 025 2699) (Chair: Mark Loyola)
Morphing Tilings of the Plane into Tilings of Surfaces
Mark Loyola, Ma Louise
Antonette De Las Penas Philippines,
Development of an online training program for mathematics teachers
using GeoGebra Sasiwan
Maluangnont, Thailand
Hands-on Workshops
Computer Room 1: (Zoom ID: 352
763 2910) 22030 (Part 2) Using GeoGebra to Visualize 3-Dimensional and
2-Dimensional Figures (Will introduce how to use the geometry tools
to visualize 3D and 2D figures, participants in part 2 should either
attend part 1 first or be able to use basic geometry tools in GGB) -Pathamaporn
Awachai - Sasiwan Maluangnont - Sutharot Nilrod - et al.
Computer Room 2: (Zoom ID: 537 016 0104) 22035
A grid paper as a technological tool for creativity in the Too Pretty
to Eat STEM Activity
Alongkot Maiduang, Alongkorn
Tangsanguantham - Thailand
09:00-17:00 Exhibitions Siam Terrace Room
18:30-20:30 Conference Dinner
December 11, 2023 (Monday)
8:00-8:50 Registration:
9:00-9:50 Nantha Hall 1
(Virtual) Invited Speech: Room 1,
(Zoom ID: 286 824 5247) (Chair:
Hongguang Fu) 30103 Automated checking for mathematical exams on
large language models-Hongguang Fu, Xiuqin Zhong, Changyu Chen, video.
9:00-9:50 Nantha Hall 2
(Virtual) Invited Speech: Room 2, (Zoom ID: 8709794059) (Chair: Douglas
B. Meade) 30105 GeoGebra
as a Tool for Creating Content for e-Textbooks: Interactive Figures and
Adaptive Homework Problems-Douglas B. Meade, Paul Seeburger, video.
Hands-on Workshops
Computer Room 1: (Zoom ID: 352
763 2910) 22085
Creative Math STEM -Janchai
Computer Room 2: (Zoom ID: 537
016 0104) 22088
Using Desmos Graphing Calculator and FFT App for Teaching High School
Mathematics and Physics
Pongsakorn Kaewcholkram - Janchai
Yingprayoon, Thailand
10:00-10:20 Tea Break
Siam Terrace Room
10:30-11:20 Nantha Hall 1
Invited Speech: Room 1, (Zoom ID: 286 824 5247) (Chair:
Jean-Jacques Dahan) 22057 A
Classification of Tritangent Conics: The Power of Geometric Macros in
Dynamic Geometry Jean-Jacques
Dahan, video.
Parallel Session. Presentations
(Each contributed paper presentation slot is 25 minutes unless
otherwise specified. Please allow 3 minutes for Q&A, and 2 minutes
for changeover)
Nantha Hall 2
Room 2: (Zoom ID: 336 025 2699) (Chair: Hideyo MAKISHITA)
(Virtual) 22018 How Many are Factorable? Marshall Lassak, USA, video.
(Virtual) 22074 Problem Research and Use of ICT in
Mathematics Education Norie
Aoki - Hideyo MAKISHITA Japan.
Rim Bung 1
Room 3: (Zoom ID: 352 763 2910) (Chair:
Tadashi Takahashi)
Learning guidance based on the elimination singularity phenomenon Tadashi Takahashi - Tomohiro Washino Japan
22077 The
Study of Geodesic Computations on Sphere and Spheroid with Optimized
Numerical Methods Jaruwan
Burintharakot - Nathaphon Boonnam Thailand,
Rim Bung 2
Room 4: (Zoom ID: 537 016 0104) (Chair: Janchai Yingprayoon)
22076 Some Geometric Relationships and Properties
of the Cylinder Catenoid; and Helicoid-Napatchol Somnakit - Supanee
Hnooheed – et al. Thailand. Faculty of Science and Industrial
22084 Fractal Formation in Copper Sulphate Aqueous
Solution- Janchai Yingprayoon - Isika RODCHAROEN - Montita VICHAIDIT -
et al. Thailand; Prince
of Songkla University; Surat Thani Campus; PSU. Wittayanusorn Surat
Thani School THAILAND.
Nantha Hall 1
Invited Speech: Room 1, (Zoom ID: 286 824 5247) (Chair: Ajit
Kumar) 22046 Linear
Algebra Computational Tool for LaTeX-Ajit Kumar - Chetan Shirore, video.
11:30-12:20 Nantha Hall 2
Invited Speech: Room 2, (Zoom ID:
8709794059) (Chair: Krongthong KHAIRIREE) 30106 Math in STEM
Edward M. REEVE, Utah State
University, USA, video.
Parallel Session. Presentations
(Each contributed paper presentation slot is 25 minutes unless
otherwise specified. Please allow 3 minutes for Q&A, and 2 minutes
for changeover)
Rim Bung 1
Room 3: (Zoom ID: 352 763 2910) (Chair: MARIA ALVA ABERIN)
22070 (Virtual) Incorporating digital interactive
figures: Facilitating student exploration into properties of
eigenvalues and eigenvectors Ryan
Peffer - Judi McDonald - Sepideh Stewart USA, video.
Mathematical Problem-Solving with GeoGebra
Jerryco Jaurigue - MARIA ALVA
ABERIN - Angela Fatima Guzon, Philippines, video.
Rim Bung 2
Room 4: (Zoom ID: 537 016 0104) (Chair:
Supotch Chaiyasang)
Enhancing Students' Achievement and Investigating Students'
Satisfaction in Learning Mathematics by Using Flipped Classroom-
Supotch Chaiyasang Thailand
(Virtual) 22055 Learnings from the Use of Screencast
Videography in Mathematics Education Research on Item-Writing Mark Lester Garcia and Lester Hao,
Philippines, video.
12:30-13:20 Lunch Break
Invited Speeches
13:30-14:20 Rim Bung
(Virtual) Invited Speech: Room 1, (Zoom ID:
286 824 5247) (Chair: Roman Hasek) 22081 Mathematics
teacher training from the perspective of STEM -- a particular case Roman Hasek, Czech Republic, video.
13:30-14:20 Rim Bung
(Virtual) Invited Speech: Room 2, (Zoom ID: 336 025 2699) (Chair: Petra Surynkov ) 22090
Education for the Future: Crafting 3D Geometric Models and Building
Mathematics Knowledge with 3D Printing
Petra Surynkova, Czech Republic, video.
Hands-on Workshops
Nantha Hall 1
Computer Room 1: (Zoom ID: 352 763 2910) 22086
Mathematics Origami
Pongsakorn Kaewcholkram - Janchai Yingprayoon, Thailand
Nantha Hall 2
Computer Room 2: (Zoom ID: 537
016 0104) GSP workshop Nicholas Jackiw and
Nathalie Sinclair, Canada
Invited Speeches
14:30-15:20 Nantha Hall 1
Invited Speech: Room 1, (Zoom ID: 286 824 5247) (Chair: Ajit
Kumar) 22092 Exploring
Creativity and Innovation in STEM Education: With and Without
Technology Vanda Santos,
Portugal, video.
14:30-15:20 Nantha Hall 2
(Virtual) Invited Speech: Room 2, (Zoom ID: 336 025 2699) (Chair:
Jonaki Ghosh) 22105 Developing mathematical and computational
thinking through spreadsheets. -Jonaki Ghosh, India, video.
Parallel Session. Presentations
(Each contributed paper presentation slot is 25 minutes unless
otherwise specified. Please allow 3 minutes for Q&A, and 2 minutes
for changeover)
Rim Bung 1
Room 3: (Zoom ID: 352 763 2910) (Chair: Prem
Kumari Dhakal)
(Virtual) 22065 Debugging on GeoGebra-based Computational
Thinking+Mathematics lessons. Wahid
Yunianto - Theodosia Prodromou - Zsolt Lavicza Indonesia, video.
PercCheeption of Learners on Virtual Learning Environment in Higher
Mathematics in the Context of Nepal
Prem Kumari Dhakal Nepal, video.
Rim Bung 2
Room 4: (Zoom ID: 537 016 0104) (Chair: Stian Hirth)
(Virtual) 22048 The use of a DGE to investigate linear
constructs. Stian Hirth, video.
(Virtual) 22113 Robust
Optimization Techniques for Disease Prevalence Estimation in Pooled
Testing Scenarios-
Md Sarker, Radford University, USA, video.
Tea Break and Poster Sessions: Siam Terrace Room
22108 Practice and Assessment of Creating
Mathematics Questions through Interaction with a Computer-Shigeki
KITAJIMA, Meisei University, Japan
Battleship via Conic Section in GeoGebra
Pinyada Damdoung - Sasiwan Maluangnont
Enhancing Students' Mathematical Attitude by Using Cartoon
Animation about Mathematician's Historical Stories
Woranart Yoosook - Jinnadit Laorpaksin - Ratinan
The Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science
and Technology (IPST); Ministry of Education; Thailand; Faculty of
Education; Chulalongkorn University; Thailand; Faculty of Science;
Chulalongkorn University; Thailand
Using Augmented Reality to Enhance Mathematical Learning
Ronnachai Panapoi - Jannapa Uttama
The Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science
and Technology (IPST); Ministry of Education; Thailand
The Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science
and Technology (IPST); Ministry of Education; Thailand
Using GeoGebra to Study the Relation between Degree and Radian
SUTHAROT NILROD - Pinyada Damdoung
Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and
Technology (IPST); Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science
and Technology (IPST), Thailand
learning-based three-dimensional computational image
Daewoon Seong, Youngae Gu, Joome Park, Changho Lee, Jaesok Yu,
Jeehyun Kim
National University,
National University
School & Hwasun Hospital
22068 Prediction of
Saving Money in GeoGebra
Maluangnont - Sutharot Nilrod
Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology
(IPST); Ministry of Education; Thailand
22109 Practical
Research on Performance in STEM Education: Focusing on Awareness
of Auxiliary Lines for Geometric Problems Using an Eye-Tracker
University; Japan
Parallel Session. Presentations
(Each contributed paper presentation slot is 25 minutes unless
otherwise specified. Please allow 3 minutes for Q&A, and 2
minutes for changeover)
Rim Bung 1
Room 1: (Zoom ID: 286 824 5247) (Chair
Pongrapee Kaewsaiha and Pinya Chaisongkram)
22027 Enhancing
Mathematics Instruction for Students with Visual Impairment: A Teacher
Training Program on Accessible Online Math-Pongrapee Kaewsaiha -
Chaweewan Kaewsaiha - Luechai Tiprungsri - et al. Thailand, video.
Teaching high school students the intimate relation between definite
integrals piecewise quadrature and areas Rattanasak Hama - Mircea Sabau - Sorin Sabau Thailand, video.
Rim Bung 2
Room 2: (Zoom ID: 336 025 2699) (Chair: Nalin Simasathiansophon)
22028 Cut Locus Analysis on Surfaces of Revolution
for Enhanced SpaceStation Location-Phattaraphorn Hama - Thunphitcha
Koikim - Pinyada Prakobsin-PSU. Wittayanusorn Surat Thani School Thailand, video.
22043 Predicting Boat Movement in Windy Conditions
through Vector Field Analysis-Supanee Hnooheed - Phatcharee Udomsup -
Khonkaraponpan Rodpangwan Thailand,
Nantha Hall 1
Room 3: (Zoom ID: 352 763 2910) (Chair: Darma Khairiree)
22053 On super domination number of the cross
product of paths Nuttapusit Keatipimol - Nitithon Budnamphet-PSU
Wittayanusorn Suratthani School Thailand,
22082 Astronomical Simulation for Constellation in
Celestial Hemisphere
Hataipat Rakluangsakul - Kavisara
PSU Wittayanusorn Suratthani
School Thailand
Nantha Hall 2
Room 4: (Zoom ID: 537 016 0104) (Chair: Niroj Dahal)
Secondary Level Mathematics Teachers' Critical Reflections on the Use
of GeoGebra for Teaching Trigonometry-Basanta Raj Lamichhane, Niroj
Dahal, Bal Chandra Luitel-Saptagandaki Multiple Campus,
Bharatpur Chitwan, NEPAL, video.
22049 A
monotone iterative method for solving singular nonlinear diffusion
problems Shih-Hsiang Chang Far East University, Taiwan, video.
09:00-17:00 Exhibitions Siam Terrace Room
18:30-20:30 IPC meeting and dinner
December 12, 2023 (Tuesday)
8:00-8:50 Registration:
9:00-9:50 Nantha Hall 1
Invited Speech: Room 1, (Zoom ID: 286 824 5247) (Chair: Ma.
Louise Antonette De Las Penas) 22061
Bridging the Mathematics Gap Through the Use of Mathematical Apps Ma. Louise Antonette De Las
Penas - Debbie Marie Verzosa - Maria Alva Aberin - et al Philippines.
9:00-9:50 Nantha Hall 2
Invited Speech: Room 2, (Zoom ID:
8709794059) (Chair: Rick Klima) 22022 Analysis of
Progressive Casino Game Betting Systems-Cole Payne - Rick Klima - Neil
Sigmon USA, video.
Parallel Session. Presentations (Each
contributed paper presentation slot is 25 minutes unless otherwise
specified. Please allow 3 minutes for Q&A, and 2 minutes for
Rim Bung 1
Room 3: (Zoom ID: 352 763 2910) (Chair: Ming-Gong Lee)
22110 The
Alhambra was visited by a mathematician. Jose A. Martinez-Aroza, University of Granada, Spain, video.
Application of Machine Learning to Slow Tourism Market Segmentation: A
Case Study at Nanzhuang
Ming-Gong Lee - Che-Chia Nien Taiwan,
Rim Bung 2
Room 4: (Zoom ID: 537 016 0104) (Chair: Wang Cui)
Leveraging Technology for Effective Teaching and Learning Wang Cui - Sisi Wang, China,
22026 Application of TI graphing calculator in
innovative learning activities of mathematics in secondary schools- -Li
Li, China, video.
10:00-10:20 Tea Break
10:30-11:20 Nantha Hall 1
Invited Speech: Room 1, (Zoom ID: 286 824 5247) (Chair:
Yoichi Maeda) 22098 Locus
of viewpoints from which a conic appears circular- Yoichi Maeda - Makoto
Kishine Japan, PowerPoint.
10:30-11:20 Nantha Hall 2
Invited Speech: Room 2, (Zoom ID:
8709794059) (Chair: Krongthong Khairiree) 22101
Sangaku Mathematics Puzzles: A Catalyst for Cultivating Creative
Thinking and Problem-Solving Abilities using The Geometer's Sketchpad ,
Krongthong Khairiree, Thailand, video.
Parallel Session. Presentations
(Each contributed paper presentation slot is 25 minutes unless
otherwise specified. Please allow 3 minutes for Q&A, and 2 minutes
for changeover)
Rim Bung 1
Room 3: (Zoom ID: 352 763 2910) (Chair: Chuanbo Zuo)
(Virtual) 22041 Using automatic speech recognition
technology and text-to-speech synthesis technology to enhance
undergraduate students construction and validation of mathematical
proofs-Kyeong Hah Roh, Yong Hah Lee, Arizona State University, Ewha
Womans University Seoul, Korea, video.
Utilizing Puzzles and Games in Regular Classes for Primary Schools: Why
What; and How-Chuanbo Zuo - Shuaitao Zuo - Xuanfang Long Hawgent Technology Center in
Mathematics (Guangzhou).; Beijing Normal University - Hong Kong Baptist
University United International College; Guangxi Normal University China.
Rim Bung 2
Room 4: (Zoom ID: 537 016 0104) (Chair:
Niroj Dahal)
22062 Contribution to the learning of mathematics
by ICT-Tsutomu Ishii, Bunkyo University, Japan, video.
30102 AI Chatbots as Math Algorithm Problem
Solvers: A Critical Evaluation of Its Capabilities and
Limitations-Niroj Dahal, Basanta Raj Lamichhane, Bal Chandra Luitel,
Binod Prasad Pant, Kathmandu University School of Education, Lalitpur,
Nepal, video.
Invited Speeches
11:30-12:20 Nantha Hall 1
Invited Speech: Room 1, (Zoom ID:
286 824 5247) (Chair: Jean-Jacques Dahan) 22099 Arts
and Maths: A STEAM introduction to envelopes with automated methods Noah (Thierry) Dana-Picard,
Israel, video.
11:30-12:20 Nantha Hall 2
(Virtual) Invited Speech: Room 2,
(Zoom ID: 336 025 2699) (Chair: Ma.
Louise Antonette De Las Penas) 22100
Inversion Transformation Studies with Software VLADIMIR NODELMAN, Israel,
Hands-on Workshop
Computer Room 1: (Zoom ID: 352 763 2910) 22107 Hands-on Training on SageMath- Ajit Kumar, India, video.
Computer Room 2: (Zoom ID: 537
016 0104) 22087 Fun with
Coding Robots- Janchai Yingprayoon ,
12:30-13:20 Lunch Break
13:30--: Half-day tour for
foreign participants who paid the in-person registration fees
December 13, 2023 (Wednesday)
Nantha Hall 1
Invited Speech: (Zoom ID: 286 824 5247) (Chair:
Wei-Chi Yang) 30101 The mathematics of the solera
system-Alasdair McAndrew Australia,
Tea Break
10:30-11:20 Nantha Hall 1
Invited Speech: (Zoom ID: 286 824
5247) (Chair: Alasdair McAndrew) 22002
Rethink our math curriculum now before we are replaced by
A.I.-Wei-Chi Yang, USA, video.
11:30-12:30 Nantha Hall 1
Closing: (Zoom ID: 286 824 5247)
Lunch and Farewell
See you at ATCM 2024
ATCM 2023 sincerely thanks the following parties for
making contributions to the conference: Thailand Convention and
Exhibition Bureau, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Institute for the
Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology (IPST), Faculty of Science
and Industrial Technology, Prince of Songkla University, Surat Thani
Campus, and PSU, Wittayanusorn Surat Thani School, and IAFSW (The
International Association for the Future STEM Workforce).
