
Using CAS for the visualization of some basic concepts in calculus of several variables.

Ungsana Chundang
Department of Mathematics
King Mongkut 's Institute of Technology Thonburi


In teaching calculus of several variables for engineerig students or science students one of the important aims is to create a good comprehension of the basic concepts appearing in these topics. This comprehension should give the students the capability to use their knowledge in solving application problems and/or in their further studies. In many cases the introduction of a new concept can be done by using a good visualization. A CAS with it's rich variety of capabilities, especially graphic capabilities, makes it possible to use dynamical visualization in the introduction of such new concepts.

In this paper an introduction of the concepts of level line, gradient, directional derivative using dynamical visualization is presented. Finally an extremum problem with a constraint is treated by dynamical visualization to get the Lagrange multiplier.

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