
Computer technology in mathematical researches on ecology

Gutnikov V.A., professor Lifanov I.K., Ph.D. Setuha A.V., Ph.D. Skotchenko A.S.
Azovskaya Street, 4, 68
113149, Moscow, Russia


One of indispensable conditions of normal ability to live of the person is comfortable house. Yet from tribes times people carefully chose a place for new house. This experience was successfully applied by boyscouts - exits of their tents were oriented according to prevailing wind direction.

During mass urban construction many natural factors remain non examine - main accent was done on static durability of a design. However till now durability of high-altitude buildings and huge monuments was not considered at influence on them wind loads. There was forget the classical fairy tale about three piglets, in summary - occurrence flatter on monument Motherland on Mamaev Kurgan; instant destruction windows of a high-altitude building, carried out in a kind of an aerodynamic structure, at certain wind direction in Boston and other. For city-dweller actuality of a wind conditions is caused first of all not by distribution wind loads, but moving of air weights between houses. In this case at construction of new buildings and it is required to reconstruction existing to determine a space situation of the following zones:

  • Zones discomfort, in which wind speed > 7 mps;
  • Zones of lowered speed wind (< 2 mps);
  • Zones of possible concentration of harmful substances, speed in which can be >2 mps, however mixing of air of these zones and air at their border does not occur;
  • Zones of stagnation of air weights, in which speeds of wind <1 mps;
The last two zone are characterised by a accumulation and concentration of harmful impurity, present in air. At solution of similar problems already not to do without by boyscout experience: the rather orientation of buildings is caused by imagination of an architect; district, on which they are located, can have difficult high; the buildings have the various sizes and various floors and their amount much exceeds amount of tents on small field. All this speaks about necessity of application of modern computer technologies and modern mathematical apparatus. To consider above problems authors used computer methods, main advantages of which are relative cheapness, opportunity quickly and evidently to present a plenty of variants of a mutual arrangement of buildings, and at presence of the advanced mathematical apparatus, high accuracy of modelling of process of a flow. Among computer methods of the solution gas dynamics problems it is in turn possible to allocate following:
  • Empirical, when of mathematical dependence are deduced(removed) on basis of nature experiments;
  • The method of the solution of Navier-Stokers equation;
  • Method of discrete vortices giving good results for speeds of wind at which it is possible to take not into account viscosity of air.
In report will be told about complex created by the authors of the programs for solution of problems aeration in ecology, based on development of a method of discrete vortices and also results of real accounts, influencing on the conclusion of ecological examination of Moscow government.
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