
Pop-Up Engineering and Geometrical Concepts

Vivekanand. Mohan-Ram
Faculty of Education
Northern Territory University, Australia


The main purpose of this tutorial is to focus upon a complementary approach to the study of, and the investigation into, concepts related to the teaching of Geometry at the primary level. Participants in this workshop will use the mechanism of paper engineer (pop-up mechanism) to produce 3-D geometric models which illustrate geometric concepts. The process of the construction of these models allows for building imagery, testing predictions, arousing and satisfying curiosity. It is envisaged that this approach to the teaching of geometric concepts will provide grounds for discussion, enrichment, clarification of and ownership of ideas, cross curriculum integration and exploration. It has the potential to reduce the apparent difficulty students experience with the study of geometric concepts.

This approach transports the students beyond the static two-dimensional aspect of geometry to a more dynamic, life like geometric world where shapes 'move' and may be seen as part of a three dimensional scene. In this work shop we will; practise using paper engineering mechanisms to produce geometric, and non geometric shapes in an attempt to evoke the imagery of three dimensional figures, and consider how the approach might be effectively used in our classroom.

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