Chesterton and mathematics: The three riders of apocalypse
(Introduction to systems of linear
Homero Flores
Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades
Universidad Nacional Autnoma de M‰xico
Ren‰ Ram?rez
Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades
Universidad Nacional Autnoma de M‰xico
We take G. K. Chesterton’s short story, The three horsemen of apocalypse, as a motivating introduction to the study of linear equations systems, as well as a review of the concept of linear function in a grade 10 class. This approach links literature and history with mathematics and it proved to be an interesting one to middle school students in the Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades (Sciences and Humanities College), in Mexico, City. We used the TI-92 Graphic Calculator as an auxiliary tool. We presented this same proposal as a workshop for teachers in the 1999 T3 International Conference in Chicago, Ill.
¨1999. ATCM, Inc