Visualizing the Behaviour of All-Integer Algorithms
Jean-Claude Sogno
78153 Le Chesnay Cedex, FRANCE
The choice and the implementation of a cutting plane algorithm designed to solve an integer linear program may not be easy. The efficiency of the algorithm depends on many factors such as the features of the problem (numbers of variables and constraints, size of coefficients), the nature of the algorithm, the pre-processing phase In this paper, we propose a simple way to analyze the behaviour of All-Integer algorithms. In such algorithms, a ``visualization'' section, based on a few procedures, is added. When a problem is computed, information concerning the computation may or may not be supplied. The amount of information depends on a ``visualization level'', and its aspect is defined so as to provide a clear comprehensive view. The efficiency of the algorithm, when performed with a visualization level equal to , does not deteriorate compared with the original algorithm. A general algorithm providing a visualization file formulated in generic LaTeX is implemented at inria and has been embedded in several parallelizers. This algorithm can also be used as a pedagogical tool.
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