Encompassing current
mathematical software and technology
in teaching and research
Wei-Chi Yang
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Radford University, Radford,
VA 24142
This paper is divided into two parts.
One is to discuss the technology
in teaching and the other is
the technology in research in the
area of numerical integration.
First, I shall use examples to demonstrate
how Maple and Scientific WorkPlace
(SWP) can be best used in classroom
teaching interactively. One example
in teaching integration will be demonstrated.
Specifically, how SWP can be used
in understanding the Riemann Sum and
how to use Maple to generate the animations.
The Maple source code will be also
provided. I shall give references
on lots of teaching modules, which
can be found in my homepage. Second,
I will also discuss problems in numerical
integrations motivated by Maple and
Mathematica. What type of problems
both Maple and Mathematica have trouble
in finding a numerical answer. I will
give some successful adaptive quadratures
in one and two dimensions, which I
generated by using Maple as a conjecture
Full paper in PDF
Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics,
1997. |

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