
        ATCM 2002   Electronic Proceedings of the 7th
         Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics


We are proud to present the Proceedings of ATCM 2002. All contributed papers are reviewed by peers. The Electronic Proceedings of ATCM 2002 (EPATCM02), which include all refereed full papers and abstracts presented during the conference, and it will be available at 'www.atcminc.com' in early 2003.

We are very grateful to have wonderful support from the International Program Committee members and external reviewers who have contributed to the high quality of the proceedings. We received 126 submissions, not including tutorial submissions. Of these abstracts submissions, 79 are contributed full papers. A total of 69 papers, including contributed, plenary speeches and invited, are published in the Proceedings. We must say that we could not include some high quality papers because they are outside the themes of the ATCM. 

We have received the most contributed papers from local participants this year. Due to page limitation, tutorials are not included in the Proceedings, but will appear in EPATCM02. 

We sincerely thank our sponsor, CASIO, for making the Electronic Proceedings of ATCM 2002 available. We strongly believe that both hard copy and electronic Proceedings will provide enriched resources to many students and colleagues around the world.

Editiorial Board
October 2002


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