
The AToMIC Projects- Applications to Mathematics Incorporating Calculators

Vince Geiger
Hillbrook Anglican School
45 Hurdcotte St Enogerra Qld 4051

Marrilyn Goos
School of Graduate Education
Queensland University
St Lucia Brisbane


The AToMIC (Applications to Mathematics Incoporating Calculators) and Sub-AToMIC (Subsequent Applications to Mathematics Incoporating Calculators) projects were two initiatives of the Queensland Association of Mathematics Teachers, in Australia, that aimed to capture and promote elements of "best practice" teaching and learning in relation to mathematics and graphing calculator technology. These projects were initiated and conducted by practicing classroom teachers to meet the needs of students in and teachers of Years 8 to 12 with a particular focus on the integration of applications of mathematics into students' learning experiences. Through these projects teachers develop ongoing networks that support the development and sharing of successful, classroom trialed activities. These activities serve as the basis for a program of state wide teacher professional development in the meaningful and appropriate use of graphing calculator technology. The projects not only developed a useful resource base for ideas and approaches to teaching, learning and assessment for teachers in general but also acted as the catalyst for the unexpectedly rich professioal development of the project team itself. This paper seeks to explore the issues and opportuntities made apparent by these teacher lead projects with an aim to discussing the potential of similar initiatives in situations and environments outside of their context of origin

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