
Preparation of Electronic Portfolios by Students in Mathematics Education Using eFolio Minnesota

Patricia Tolmie
Education Department
Winona State University


Paradigm shifts resulting from advances in technology have affected teacher education in the United States of America. Among these advances is the advent of the electronic portfolio. One of the four components of the Winona State University Effective Educator Program for teacher education is professionalism. As part of the professionalism component, all preservice mathematics teachers enroll in a required teacher education program course entitled The Professional Educator. The curriculum of the The Professional Educator course includes the creation and completion of an individual electronic portfolio by each student preparing to teach mathematics. The electronic portfolio provides digitized documentation of the knowledge, skills, practices, and professionalism of Winona State University students preparing to be mathematics teachers. Currently, preservice mathematics teachers transform paper portfolios into web based portfolios using eFolio Minnesota. Examples of electronic portfolios created using eFolio Minnesota will be provided as part of the presentation.


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