September 21, 2011 (Wednesday)

 8:00-8:50Registration: Hotel



Plenary Speech 2: Room 1: Chair: ErolKarakırık


19140 Imagery and The Geometric Imagination-- Nicholas Jackiw

10:00-10:30Tea Break



Parallel Session III: Presentations (Each contributed paper presentation slot is 20 minutes, unless otherwise specified. Please allow 3 minutes for Q&A, and 2 minutes for changeover)


Room 1: (Chair: Guangming Wang )




19038 Case analyses of “use MCL to promote the students’ practicable ability of mathematics”-Guangming Wang and Guanghui Li




19182 A Mathematics Research of a Project Case under the Conditions of MCL -Zhao Tao, Yuanxun Sun, Xiaoling Yang


Room 2: (Chair: Masataka Kaneko & Deane Arganbright)




19192 Innovative Uses of Excel in Linear Algebra - Deane Arganbright




19098 Influence of using KETpic graphics on the development of collegiate students' proof schemes - Masataka Kaneko, SetsuoTakato


Room 3: (Chair: In-Ok Jang &Steven Rasmussen)




19193 Develop Students' Visualization and Understanding of Functions Through Geometry and Pictures with Sketchpad 5, Scott Steketee, Steven Rasmussen




19194 The strategic Thinking of Mathematically Gifted Elementary Students in LOGO Project Learning - In-Ok Jang, Hee-Chan Lew


Room 4: (Chair: Li Hong & Chang Wenwu)




19090 An Anchored Instruction Case Study: Developing Fifteens Puzzle as a Graphical Calculator Class Task-- Chang Wenwu, Xinsheng Lu




19107 The Role of the Graphing Calculator in the Qualitative Analysis of Function-- Li Hong

10:30 - 11:30

 Hands-on Workshops (GC stands for calculator workshops; CW stands for computer workshops)



(GC Room 5) 19359 Pat Tunnicliffe, Chris Olley, Developing open teaching supported by the implementation of graphing calculators in the UAE



(GC Room 6) 18968 Jean-Jacques Dahan, The 3D grapher of TI N’Spire



(CW5 Computer Room 1) 19006 Jen-ChungChuan: How to Turn a Polyhedron Inside Out?



(CW6 Computer Room 2) 19177 Steven Rasmussen: Introduction to TinkerPlots Version 2



Parallel Session IV: Presentations (Each contributed paper presentation slot is 20 minutes, unless otherwise specified. Please allow 3 minutes for Q&A, and 2 minutes for changeover)



Room 1: (Chair: Beverly Ferrucci)




18950 Integrating Maplets and Other Technology into an Online Calculus Course - Denise LeGrand, Thomas McMillan




19029 Curiosity killed the cat. Creativity have mathematics classrooms killed it? Christopher Longhurst


Room 2: (Chair: Yoichi Maeda)




18953 Development of Creativity Using 3D Dynamic Geometry System InMA - Shelomovskiy Vladimir




18834 Dynamic construction of the common perpendiculars in the three-sphere - Yoichi Maeda


Room 3: (Chair: Barry Kissane)




19155 Mathematics curriculum consequences of calculator choice-- Barry Kissane




19036 Teaching design based on Inquiry learning—Find the way to make acceptable "statistics"- Yiming Cao and Pengju Chen


Room 4: (Chair: Ali Delice)




Görme engelli öğrenciler için görsel olmayan matematik eğitimi-- Zeynep Aslı Doğan




Öğretmen adaylarının teknoloji kullanımına yönelik algıları ve akademik başarıları arasındaki ilişki-- Sevinç Mert Uyangör, Mevhibe Kobak




Matematik ve sınıf öğretmenlerinin teknolojinin öğrenmeye etkisi ile ilgili düşünceleri --Servet Demir, Fatih Özmantar, Erhan Bingölbalı


Room 5: (Chair: ZlatanMagajna& In-Sun Shin)




18972 Visualization of Rational Numbers Commensurability by Using Dynamic Geometry Software - In-Sun Shin, Ji-Eon Kim




19367 A geometric eye for dynamic geometry—ZlatanMagajna


Room 6: (Chair: Chee-Keong Chong)




19060 A Preliminary Study on the Use of Online Resources in Quantitative Techniques for First Year Business Students in a Malaysian Private University-- Chee-Keong Chong, You-How Go, Ying-Yin Koay, et al.




19179 Transversal Mathematical Teaching Focus Across other Sciences-- Horacio E. Bosch, Noemi Geromini, Mercedes Bergero, et al.



Lunch Break



Invited Speaker 4: Room 1: (Chair: MirekMajewski): 19017 How to Double the Rate of Discovery with Cabri 3D? Jen-chungChuan



Invited Speaker 5:Room 2: (Chair: Yiming Cao): 19425Graphing Calculators in Secondary Mathematics Teaching and Learning - Chang Pei Wang, GT Springer



Invited Speaker 6: Room 3: (Chair: KrongthongKhairiree): 19054 New Content, Methods, and Approaches Promoted by the Integration of Technology in Secondary Mathematics Antonio R. Quesada



Parallel Session V: Presentations (Each contributed paper presentation slot is 20 minutes, unless otherwise specified. Please allow 3 minutes for Q&A, and 2 minutes for changeover)


Room 1: (Chair: Christian Dohrmann& Alfred Wassermann )




19101 Interactive Mathematics on multi-touch tablet PCs-- Alfred Wassermann, Matthias Ehmann, Michael Gerhaeuser




19379 Touch2Learn - Using Multi-Touch technology on content focused learning in Mathematics-- Christian Dohrmann


Room 2: (Chair: Ferhat Öztürk & Mehmet Fatih Ozmantar )




19330 Integration of technology into teaching mathematics: levels of technology use and role of participants-- Mehmet Fatih Ozmantar, Servet Demir, Erhan Bingolbalı




19363 Periodic functions and their applications –Ferhat Öztürk, AhmetIşık, Tuba Kaplan


Room 3:(Chair: Burcu Akaydın &Abdulkadir Erdogan)




19073 The first steps of an online forum project to help students in mathematics—Abdulkadir Erdogan




19102 We welcomed M. C. Escher in Turkey’s new geometry programme—Burcu Akaydın, Mujde Uysal


Room 4: (Chair:  Mustafa Doğan)




Cabri geometri yazılımı yardımıyla üçgende açı-kenar bağıntılarının öğretimi: etkinlik örneği -Gökhan Karaaslan, Gizem Karaaslan




Katı cisimler konusunun öğretiminde teknoloji destekli proje uygulaması-- Aytaç Kurtuluş, Candaş Uygan




İlköğretim 8. sınıf düzeyinde geometrik cisimlerin yüzey alanları ve hacimleri konularında bilgisayar destekli öğretim materyalinin hazırlanması-- Zeynep Yıldız






Hands-on Workshops (GC stands for calculator workshops; CW stands for computer workshops)



(GC Room 5) 19075 Lim Kian Boon Lim, Tau Han Cheong: The Educational Use of Scientific Calculators



(GC Room 6) 19561 Christopher Longhurst, Handheld technology and calculus



(CW7 Computer Room 1) 18937 Kate Mackrell: Dynamic Geometry, Dynamic Art



(CW8 Computer Room 2) 18961 KrongthongKhairiree: Exploring Mathematics with the Geometer’s Sketchpad Version 5



Tea Break+ Poster Sessions



18980 The Technology in the Teaching of Calculus. An Experience with Social Science Students Jose Ortiz
18938 Design Decisions in Interactive Geometry Software: Kate Mackrell
19360 Multiplex-R: Basic concepts of numbers and operations through multi-touch & linked multiple representations: SilkeLadel
19555 Maplets for Calculus: Douglas Meade, Philip Yasskin
19368 Introduction of Complex Geometry by Learning Visually with Technology Chieko Fukuda, Kyoko KAKIHANA



Parallel Session VI Presentations (Each contributed paper presentation slot is 20 minutes, unless otherwise specified. Please allow 3 minutes for Q&A, and 2  minutes for changeover)


Room 1: (Chair: Emin Aydın)




İlköğretim öğretmenlerinin teknolojik araçların öğrencilerin öğrenmesine katkısı ile ilgili düşünceleri-- Ali Bozkurt, Servet Demir, Erhan Bingölbalı




Öğretmen adaylarının eğitim-öğretim etkinliklerinde akıllı tahta kullanımına yönelik görüşleri-- Sevinç Mert Uyangör, Mevhibe Kobak, Emel Karacak




İlköğretim matematik öğretiminde vitamin yazılımının kullanımına yönelik öğrenci görüşleri-- Jale Özdemir, Gülnur Karslıgil,  Ali Bozkurt


Room 2: (Chair: Tom Button)




19046 Applications using Graphics Calculators - Tom Button




19097 An experiment in Mathematics -the Attenuation of the Sound Intensity - Li QiuXia




19110 On Construction of Teaching Mode of Mathematics Experiment Based on MCL - Lu Mingming


Room 3:(Chair: Mevhibe Kobak &Nilüfer Y. Köse)




19103 Effects of Technology Use on Geometrical Construction, Nilüfer Y. Köse, Emel Ozdemir Erdogan, Tuba Yuzugullu Ada, et al.




19196 The role of inspiration software in teacher candidates’ preparation of concept mapping—Mevhibe Kobak, Sevinç Mert Uyangör


Room 4 : (Chair: Chengyang Liu & Ana DonevskaTodorova )




19082 To Make APLET according to Actual Condition, Chengyang Liu - Jianyi Yang –ZhenpingRao




19084 Developing Concepts in Linear Algebra and Analytic Geometry by the Integration of DGS and CAS -  Ana DonevskaTodorova






Hands-on Workshops (GC stands for calculator workshops; CW stands for computer workshops)



(GC Room 5) 19353 Learning mathematics with an advanced scientific calculator--Marian Kemp, Barry Kissane



(GC Room 6) Bilimsel Hesap Makinelerinin Açılar Konusunda Kullanımı-- Yusuf Zeren



(CW9 Computer Room 1) Euclid geometrisi-üçgenler ile ilgili teorem uygulamaları-- Rıfat İlhan



(CW10 Computer Room 2) 19356 Applications of Trigonometry and Polar Functions in Grade 10-11 Math—Tonguc Ozdas, Seda Eren


09:00-17:00 Exhibitions


 19:00-22:00Local Social Programme to be announced