Electronic Proceedings of the 12th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics




Both Computer and Traditional Technology Are Inevitable for Mathematics Teaching:

Revisiting why we use technology

Author: Masami Isoda

Affiliation: Univeristy of Tsukuba, Japan

We use technology to improve mathematics education. The first part of this lecture, the logical

inconsistencies for introducing technology come from the difference of society, curriculum and

technology itself will be mentioned. Because inconsistencies logically existed, we should develop

the judicious position of using technology. The judicious users will be teachers and students. The

second part, I would illustrate the Japanese approach by focusing on teachers. The later half, I

would addressed the importance of judicious using of technology if it is to be a necessity in

enhancing students mathematical explorations and developing mental object in order to support

their mathematization. The basic theories of mathematics education will be applied to explain this

position. To illustrate the importance of both the traditional and computer technology, I would use

the perspective drawing and mechanical motions as for the example.