Electronic Proceedings of the 12th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics



            Abstract for 12826

            Beyond graphing: Exploring matrices, sequences and series with a

            graphics calculator

            Authors: Barry Kissane

            Affiliations: Murdoch University

            Keywords: Novice, Undergraduate Level, K-12 Level, matrices,

            sequences, series


            Inexperienced users of graphics calculators frequently expect that

            their main advantage involves drawing and using graphs of functions.

            In contrast, this is a hands-on workshop to explore some of the ways

            in which a graphics calculator might support teaching and learning

            matrices, sequences and series, but with only limited emphasis on

            graphical representations. We will use the Casio fx-9860G graphics

            calculator to consider the ways in which sequences and matrices are

            represented on the calculator and can be manipulated to support

            mathematical thinking. No previous experience with this calculator

            will be assumed.