Electronic Proceedings of the 12th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics



            Abstract for 12807

            TI-Nspire CAS - A New Generation Math Teaching and Learning Tool

            Authors: Bernhard Kutzler

            Affiliations: ACDCA - Austrian Center for Didactics of Computer




            Texas Instrument’s new product TI-Nspire CAS carries the technology

            of the legendary TI-92 further into a new generation Math/CAS tool.

            Its innovative double-platform design (handheld + 100 % compatible

            computer software) and the seamless integration of the various

            applications make it a very powerful teaching and learning aid for

            teachers and students.

            In this lecture presentation we demonstrate all applications (CAS,

            graphing, dynamic geometry, spreadsheet, word processing, and data

            collection) with live examples and show how to create powerful

            experimentation and visualization examples by combining the modules.