Electronic Proceedings of the 12th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics



            Abstract for 12772

            Exploring Differential Equations and Vectors (2D/3D), using


            Authors: Douglas Butler

            Affiliations: iCT Training Centre (Oundle School), UK

            Keywords: Intermediate, K-12 Level Graduate Level, Differential

            Equations, Slope Fields, 1st Order, 2nd Order, Vectors, 2D, 3D


            Autograph uniquely allows ODEs to be entered implicitly, allowing a

            well structured approached to evolve from 1st order to 2nd order,

            including hhe idea of ''complimentary function'' and ''particular

            integral''. Solution sets can be treated as dynamic objects.

            Vectors can likewise be taught from first principles in 2D, leading

            to a firm understanding of their use in 3D.