Electronic Proceedings of the 12th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics


Abstract. 12759

Visualization of Mathematics Against Misconceptions in Computer Graphics Course

Authors: Vladimir Nodelman

Affiliations: Holon Institute of Technology



Topics: Technology and Curriculum Issues 

The “Computer Graphics” course is one of intensively utilizing mathematics units in Computer Science studies. Related literature often refers to mathematical notions and techniques in not sufficiently correct, adequate and precise manner in order to obtain a quick result of calculations for real-time rendering (programming games, simulations etc.)

This paper presents several ways to prevent misconceptions and mistakes by means of computer modeling and visualization of correspondent mathematical material:

- Visual comparison of two 3D scenes: one, produced by traditionally used algorithms with wrong mathematical model, and the other, based on adequate mathematical understanding.

- Taking into account mathematical features that are missed in studied algorithms and lead to more efficient performance.

- Introduction of new, not studied previously mathematical notions that ensure appropriate and fruitful application.

Proposed educational methods and aids provide solutions in studies of both computer science and mathematics itself.