Electronic Proceedings of the 12th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics


Abstract for 12736

            A Study of School Teachersˇ¦ Applications of Using Magic Board : a

            Web-based Virtual Manipulatives

            Authors: Yuan Yuan

            Affiliations: Chung Yuan Christian University



            Usually, school teachers do not have the time neither the skills to

            produce their own educational materials. Magic Board is a Web-based

            instructional tool, which includes a virtual collection of pictures

            and symbols, teachers can use to create learning materials and to

            design context-oriented learning activities for elementary school

            students. The researcher gave a three-hour workshop to elementary

            school teachers in April, 2007. In June, a questionnaire was mailed

            to those who registered as a member and used Magic Board to design

            instructional materials on the Web. A total of thirty-one teachers

            were surveyed and three elementary school teachers were interviewed

            to collect their experience of using Magic Board in school.

            Research results showed that most school teachers like to use this

            tool to design instructional materials. They expected to include

            more conceptual kits, such as fractions and fraction digits and

            suggested to have ready made activities, so teachers may have more

            wish to use these virtual manipulative and use them effectively.

            Interviewing results showed that Magic Board could be used to teach

            basic number concepts effectively. School students were surprised to

            see and use this tool to learn mathematics. The three teachers

            thought that this tool could be used to pose questions easily and to

            promote studentsˇ¦ conceptual understanding. Suggestions from

            questionnaire surveys and interviews were useful and used as

            directions to the improvement of Magic Board.