Electronic Proceedings of the 12th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics



Abstract for 12312

            The Integrated Lab Program -- Guided Discovery Learning

            Authors: Jerome Epstein

            Affiliations: Polytechnic University

            Keywords: Undergraduate Level, K-12 Level, Guided Discovery

            Learning, Teacher Education


            The need to raise the skill and cognitive level of too many students

            (and teachers) is now very well documented. This paper will discuss

            very briefly some evidence of the problem from a new test instrument

            developed by the author, but primarily will discuss an integrated

            math and science laboratory program which is specifically designed

            to meet this problem. The program uses technology extensively, since

            it is all done in a laboratory, but it is decidedly low-tech. Most

            of the equipment needed would be found in any college chemistry or

            physics laboratory, and any that is specific to this program is

            relatively inexpensive and commonly available. The key is that the

            use of technology facilitates cognitive growth by allowing modeling

            of basic concepts and testing of hypotheses. The paper will discuss

            the basic philosophy and methodology of the program, discuss

            implementations that have been instituted, and evaluate results. The

            Integrated Laboratory Program (ILP) is designed to actually deal

            with the problems, so widely found, of lack of basic skills, lack of

            problem solving ability, non-transition to formal level thinking,

            non-transfer of knowledge, and inability to apply basic quantitative

            reasoning and skill to real world situations. I discuss the history,

            the philosophy, the methodology, and the nuts and bolts of

            implementing such a program. Interested persons are urged to contact

            the author..