
EDUX: EDucation with an aUthoring tool using XML

Helmi Mohamed Hussain

Mazlyda Abdul Rahman

Aida Liza Hussin

Rohaya Yahaya

Siti Salma Md. Kassim

Khairul Adilah Ahmad
School of Info. Technology
Universiti Utara Malaysia
06010 Sintok


Recently, information technology has influence on most aspects of traditional higher education around the world. Information technology can improve the traditional learning processes, ensuring that students develop valuable “brainware”. An education that stresses the ubiquity of technology in the business world needs to integrate technology into all aspects of the curriculum. However, this integration is not easy as it is being said, due to variety of educational models in the most local federally-funded universities in Malaysia. The technology of eXtensible Markup Language (XML) opens a wide spectrum of possibilities for design and presentation of high quality materials for a particular education or training purpose and plays an important role in the exchange of wide variety of data on the web (Ajhoun et.al., 2000).

EDUX (EDucation with an aUthoring tool using XML) is an e-learning system using the intelligent hypertexts language. EDUX is designed as an adaptable lifelong learning environment, which can meet the needs of the individual student. EDUX enable students to follow courses at their own pace, based on their ability. It has the intelligent agent features where for each and every student the system will generate different type of layout or presentation, based on their understanding on the subject or course. The agent will support and guide the interaction between the learners and the EDUX system. EDUX acts as a portal with customize web page for the instructors and learners. The portal is divided into two main modules: an instructor module and a learner module. The instructor module constitutes the engine of the process of learning; it acts as an assistant (controller) for the learner (Ajhoun, 2000). In the portal, the instructors will be provided with a tool that has two integrated functionalities, which are generating layouts and generating courses. Both of the functions are use for the creation of a specific course. Learners will also have a tool with four integrated functionalities for the collaborative curriculum. The functions are student assignment hand-in, collaborative writing, anchored collaboration and project case library. Collaborative learning allows students to discover a commonality with other students, but just as importantly, provides negotiating for an understanding of “uncommon” experiences (Langlois & Litoff, 2000). Furthermore, by adapting XML technology in EDUX it enables exchange of data between wide varieties of databases and devices.


[1] Ajhoun, R., Abdelkader, M.A. & Benkiran, A.M. (2000). A Framework for Adaptive and Cooperative Learning for the Internet: SMART Learning. Retrieved June, 2000 on the World Wide Web: http://www.isoc.org/inet2000/cdproceedings/6a/6a_3.htm
[2] Bota, F., Farinetti, L. & Rarau, A. (2000). An Authoring Tool for Building Flexible On-line Courses Using XML Retrieved January, 2001 on the World Wide Web: http://www.infoloom.com/gcaconfs/WEB/paris2000/S09-01.HTM
[3] Hunter, D. (2000). Beginning XML. USA. Wrox Press Ltd.
[4] Langlois, G.A., Litoff, J.B. (2000). “The 5th International Conference on Global Business & Economic Development”, Conference Proceedings, 1, 264 – 271.
[5] Mohr, S. (1999). Designing Distributed Applications. USA. Wrox Press Ltd.
[6] Patricia,L et.al (1999). Using XML in an Education Environment. Retrieved March, 2001 on the World Wide Web: http://www.infoloom.com/gcaconfs/WEB/granada99/val.HTM

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