
Mathematics-Computing Interaction

Yu-mei Wang

Carl Swanson
College of Education
University of Guam

Steve Lam
Mathematics Department
Guam Community College
UOG Station - COE


When computers are introduced into the mathematics learning environment, how do mathematics and computers interact with each other? A number of studies were designed to explore the relationship between these two factors. The most recent study was conducted by Galbraith and Haines (2000). Their study, employing a comprehensive survey instrument and factor analysis, finds that computer-math interaction is more strongly associated with computer confidence and computer motivation than with math confidence and math motivation, which suggests that computer attitudes play a greater role than math attitudes in promoting active engagement on the part of students. This presentation reports on a study that replicated the one by Galbraith and Haines using a different sample population with different ethnic backgrounds.

© ATCM, Inc. 2001.

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