
Use of Spreadsheets in Primary Mathematics to Examine Young Children's Knowledge Integration

Mohan Chinnappan
Faculty of Education
University of Wollongong
Wollongong, Australia


Various models have been advanced to explain the growth of mathematical knowledge among young children. An important concern of these models has been to explain relations between information discussed in the classroom and the understandings constructed by individual students. It is now acknowledged that a well-integrated knowledge network provides an important base for children to assimilate new knowledge and activate that knowledge in problem solving situations. This knowledge network has been referred to as schemas in a number of influential work on mathematical understanding (Alexander & Judy; 1988; Marshall, 1985).

The purpose of the tutorial is threefold. Firstly, I will advance a series of activities that can be used in the teaching of primary mathematics that are rich in schematised mathematical knowledge. Secondly, participants will be encouraged to carry out an analysis of the knowledge underlying the activities in terms of schema. Finally, in this tutorial I will demonstrate how electronic spreadsheets such as Excel can be used effectively in promoting the type of schemas generated by participants in facilitating the construction of alternative representations of core concepts and procedures in the number, space and measurement strands of primary mathematics curriculum.

Participants will be required to 'unpack' the strands of knowledge that are embedded in their own students' schemas, and propose strategies to modify the composition of the schemas. The emphasis will be on use of spreadsheets and related technological tools in fostering schema building among young children.

Cultural influence on the development of schema will examined by focussing on intuitive knowledge that young children bring to the spreadsheet environment. The effect of this understanding on development of further knowledge in the area of measurement will be considered. Participants will be engaged in an analysis of children's different language backgrounds and the compatibility of spreadsheet learning environment.

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