Ther convolution of
, denoted by f*g( t
) , is given
f*g( t
) =
Convolution is a useful concept and can be found
in various places in applied mathematics since it plays an
important role in for instance heat conduction, wave motion and
time series analysis. Here we intend to give an interpretation of
f*g by
animation of the convolution product of
1) two rectangular windows where
2) a
rectangular window
with an exponential function
> restart: alias(u=Heaviside):
Let us define the convolution product h= f*g by the
> h:=t->Int(f(tau)*g(t-tau),tau=0..t):
> 'h(t)'=h(t);
The convolution of
, where u(t) is the
Heaviside unit step function, is
> f:=t->u(t)-u(t-1):g:=t->u(t)-u(t-2):
> 'h(t)'=h(t);
The graph of this convolution product is shown in
Figure 11
> plot(value(h(t)),t=0..3,labels=[`t`, `h(t)`],color=blue);
Figure 11 The
convolution product
If we move the green rectangle (window) from left
to right towards the stationary red window on Figure 12,
Figure 12 Rectangular
the overlapping area will increase as the green
window crosses into the red window. Up until t = 1, the
area increases proportional to t, see Figure 11.
> assume(t >0, t<1);
> 'h(t)'=value(h(t));
When the right side of the green window is in the
region ![[Maple Math]](images/paper240.gif)
, the two windows
overlap completely and the value of the convolution product
> assume(t>1,t<2):
> 'h(t)'=value(h(t));
For ![[Maple Math]](images/paper244.gif)
the overlapping
area drop linearly from 1 to 0 . Hence on ![[Maple Math]](images/paper248.gif)
[2, 3] ,
> assume(t>2,t<3):
> 'h(t)'=value(h(t));
After t = 3
there is no longer overlap and
> assume(t>3):
> 'h(t)'=value(h(t));
Figure 13 shows the animation of the convolution
product of
> t:='t':
> Convolution(f,g);
Figure 13 Animation
of the convolution product f*g
The counter displays the value of the overlapping
area between the green and the red windows. The green disk moves
on the blue convolution curve
and indicate
graphically the value of
Figure 14 shows the animation of the convolution
product of a rectangular window with an exponential function.
> g:=t->exp(-t):
> Convolution(f,g);
Figure 14 Animation
of the convolution product f*g
The convolution product reach a maximum when the
right hand side of the red rectangle is at t = 1 and
the green disk is at the top of the convolution curve h(t).