of Wave Pulses
Here we want to visualize the reflection and the
transmission of a transverse wave pulse at the boundary of two
ropes of different linear densities.
Figure 7 Two
ropes of different linear densities
Suppose that the two ropes in Figure 7, having
masses per unit length of
lie along the
-axes in their
equilibrium position and are joined at the origin,
.It is easy to show
that the equation
describes a pulse with function
traveling to the
right with speed
describes a pulse traveling to the left with
. Let
us suppose that some point of a stretched rope is forced to
oscillate transversely with simple harmonic motion such that a
continuous succession of pulses, or a continous wave train,
travels along the rope. Any transmitted or reflected wave must
have the same frequency
as the incident wave at the boundary of the two
ropes. For the incident wave in rope 1 on the left (red one) the
displacement at any time is given by
The reflected wave in rope 1 traveling to the
left is given by
and the transmitted wave in rope 2 (red one)
moving to the right is represented by
are the amplitudes of the incident, reflected and
transmitted waves respectively. At the boundary, x = 0, the
vertical displacement of the two ropes must be the same at every
instant of time, or
. This gives that
At the boundary, x
= 0, the vertical forces on the
ropes must be the same. If the tension F in the
two ropes is the same it follows that
By substitution in the above equations, we get
If we define the coefficient of reflection R as the
ratio of the amplitude of the reflected wave to the incident wave,
The velocities in the two ropes are
From this it follows that
Let us illustrate what happens to a wave pulse if
1) The mass
per unit length
of rope 1 is smaller than
of rope 2.
> WavePulse(1,4,axes=none,scaling=unconstrained);
Figure 8 Wave
pulse advancing along two ropes of different
Figure 8 shows that the amplitude of the
reflected pulse
is opposite to that of the incident wave because
of the negative value of the coefficient of reflection, R,
according to the equation above.
If we let
-> 0 then
->-1 and
~ -
~ 0 as illustrated in Figure 9 where
> WavePulse(1,10^8,axes=none,scaling=unconstrained);
Figure 9 Wave
pulse reflected at the boundary of two ropes,
, ![[Maple Math]](images/paper211.gif)
2) The mass
per unit length
of rope 1 is greater than
of rope 2.
> WavePulse(4,1,axes=none,scaling=unconstrained);
Figure 10 Wave
pulse advancing along two ropes with
linear densities,
,![[Maple Math]](images/paper216.gif)
R is positive.
There will be no change in phase at reflection,
has the same sign
, as
Figure 10 shows.