Tutorial To Be Presented in the 11th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics
December 12-16, 2006, Hong Kong SAR, China

Creating eActivity Applets on FX-9860G

Mun Chou Fong
QED Education Scientific


This workshop aims to coach participants to create problem-based eActivity (PBeA) applets on the Casio FX-9860G. Mathematical background of the participants can ranged from secondary level to college level as the tool is very versatile. Because an eActivity can integrate within it all mathematical functions featured in the FX-9860G graphics calculator, the main goal for the participants is to create eActivity to learn just one single mathematical concept or a group of ideas at the same time. Prior experience with a graphics calculator is not required. The facilitator can conduct explanation in Cantonese if necessary but the official language for the session is English.

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