TexMat: A Multimedia Constructivist Learning Environment
Ana Breda
Eugenio Rocha
Josˆm Martins
University of Aveiro
The World Wide Web has increased extraordinarily
the level of communications and collaborations among people via
technology. As a consequence the use of computer systems in the
teaching and learning processes has in the last few years moved
to a new form of technology-supported instruction: web-based instruction.
Web-based instruction is rapidly becoming one of the major sources
to deliver courses to students. Besides the facility to communicate
and collaborate with other students, one of the reasons for this
fast increasing system of instruction delivery is its cost-effective.
Mathematics is a privileged subject to take advantage of the internet
potential. It is a subject area with a recognized hierarchy of topics,
which can be introduced with varying degrees of depth to a wide
range of users. TextMat is an interdisciplinary academic project
whose objective is the development (conception and implementation)
of a maths web-based electronic textbook, i.e. an application with
a multimedia database enhanced by instructional resources.
In Miller & Lu (2003) and Clerehan et al (2003), online learning
is a social experience. The flexibility offered by online technologies
support needs of different learners. In online learning research
the study of new constructivist learning strategies is a vital issue.
including the ones reported by Hughes and Daykin (2002), Sims (2003)
Alexander et al (2003).
This paper concentrates in the theoretical framework underlying
the pedagogical design of TexMat, a multimedia constructivist math
learning environment. It comprises four main components: the tutorial-
project space, the problem-project space, the collaboration space
and the assessment-project space.
Underlying these components were produced cognitive tools with the
purpose to support the learner¡¦s exploration, inference, reflection,
social interaction to construct their knowledge. We shall made use
of a virtual agent whose purpose is to guide the users in their
learning, having in account their performances.