To Be Presented in the 11th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics
December 12-16, 2006, Hong Kong SAR, China

Why and How of Interactive Mathematical Documents on World Wide Web

Ravinder Kumar
Mathematical Sciences
Alcorn State University


The real power of mathematics documents comes into play only when they are interactive and reader can communicate with them. Internet related technological advancements have made it possible to create interactive mathematics content for use on the world wide web. Computer algebra systems Mathematica, MATLAB, Maple etc. have proved useful in creating interactive mathematical materials. MathWright has been used to create interactive mathematical modules in Piagetian constructivist spirit. We have created interactive mathematical modules using Scientific Notebook and MathWright. In this paper we trace the transition from a physical document to an interactive document. We consider why interactive mathematics materials should be developed and used, and explain how we create such materials. As examples, we reproduce only the snapshots of interactive components of two of our interactive textual materials because it is not possible to enact interaction on paper medium.


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