Abstract of Full Paper Presented at the 10th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics
December 12-19, 2005, South Korea

The benefits and pitfalls of video-conferencing: A Singapore experience

Boon-Liang CHUA
Mathematics and Mathematics Education
National Institute of Education


The use of video-conferencing as a collaborative learning tool may soon become a common practice in the ordinary classroom as rapid technology advancement makes it more accessible than ever. In Singapore, some schools have the capability to video-conference, while a few others are beginning to acquire video-conference equipment to do so. In fact, students from a few schools have the opportunities to participate in the MOTIVATE video-conferences organised by University of Cambridge in the UK recently. Student feedback has shown that video-conferencing can have a positive impact on their learning, but, on the other hand, can also have its shortcomings as well, as with any new technology. This paper discusses some of the benefits and pitfalls of video-conferencing through the experience of working on the MOTIVATE video-conferences.

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